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Graf ve vizualizačním softwaru Processing (Arduino)

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Založen: Jan 30, 2015
Příspěvky: 158

PříspěvekZaslal: ne březen 01 2015, 10:56    Předmět: Graf ve vizualizačním softwaru Processing (Arduino) Citovat

Ahoj, spojením těchto dvou zdrojů (v jednom byly použity zastaralé části kódu, v druhém překlepy) http://ardypro.blogspot.cz/2011/07/processingarduino.html https://boolscott.wordpress.com/2010/02/04/arduino-processing-analogue-bar-graph-2/

Jsem získal tento program pro vykreslování grafu:

// Feel Free to edit these variables ///////////////////////////
String  xLabel = "Analogue Inputs";
String  yLabel = "Voltage (V)";
String  Heading = "The Graph Sketch";
String  URL = "01/02/2010";
float Vcc = 5.0;    // the measured voltage of your usb
int NumOfVertDivisions=5;      // dark gray
int NumOfVertSubDivisions=10;  // light gray

int NumOfBars=6;    // you can choose the number of bars, but it can cause issues
                    // since you should change what the arduino sends

// if these are changed, background image has problems
// a plain background solves the problem
int ScreenWidth = 600, ScreenHeight=400;

//  Serial port stuff ///////////////////////
import processing.serial.*;
Serial myPort;
boolean firstContact = false;
int[] serialInArray = new int[6];
int serialCount = 0;

int LeftMargin=100;
int RightMArgin=80;
int TextGap=50;
int GraphYposition=80;
float BarPercent = 0.4;

int value;

PFont font;
PImage bg;

int temp;
float yRatio = 0.58;
int BarGap, BarWidth, DivisounsWidth;
int[] bars = new int[NumOfBars];

void setup(){

 // bg = loadImage("BG.jpg");

  /// NB SETTINGS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);

  DivisounsWidth = (ScreenWidth-LeftMargin-RightMArgin)/(NumOfBars);
  BarWidth = int(BarPercent*float(DivisounsWidth));
  BarGap = DivisounsWidth - BarWidth;

  font = createFont("Arial",12);


void draw(){

//  background(bg);     // My one used a background image, I've
  background(250);      // commented it out and put a plain colour

  //  Headings();           // Displays bar width, Bar gap or any variable.

// Send Recieve data //
void serialEvent(Serial myPort) {

  // read a byte from the serial port:
  int inByte = myPort.read();

  if (firstContact == false) {
    if (inByte == 'A') {
      myPort.clear();          // clear the serial port buffer
      firstContact = true;     // you've had first contact from the microcontroller
      myPort.write('A');       // ask for more
  else {
    // Add the latest byte from the serial port to array:
    serialInArray[serialCount] = inByte;

    // If we have 6 bytes:
    if (serialCount > 5 ) {

for (int x=0;x<6;x++){

  bars[x] = int (yRatio*(ScreenHeight)*(serialInArray[x]/256.0));


      // Send a capital A to request new sensor readings:
      // Reset serialCount:
      serialCount = 0;

/////// Display any variables for testing here//////////////
void Headings(){
  fill(0 );
  text("BarWidth",50,TextGap );
  text("BarGap",250,TextGap );
  text("DivisounsWidth",450,TextGap );
  text(BarWidth,100,TextGap );
  text(BarGap,300,TextGap );
  text(DivisounsWidth,520,TextGap );

void PrintBars(){

  int c=0;
  for (int i=0;i<NumOfBars;i++){

    rect(i*DivisounsWidth+LeftMargin,   ScreenHeight-GraphYposition,   BarWidth,   -bars[i]);
    text(float(bars[i])/(yRatio*(ScreenHeight))*Vcc,   i*DivisounsWidth+LeftMargin+BarWidth/2,   ScreenHeight-bars[i]-5-GraphYposition );
    text("A",   i*DivisounsWidth+LeftMargin+BarWidth/2 -5,   ScreenHeight-GraphYposition+20 );
    text(i,   i*DivisounsWidth+LeftMargin+BarWidth/2 +5,   ScreenHeight-GraphYposition+20 );

void Axis(){

  for(float x=0;x<=NumOfVertSubDivisions;x++){

    int bars=(ScreenHeight-GraphYposition)-int(yRatio*(ScreenHeight)*(x/NumOfVertSubDivisions));
  for(float x=0;x<=NumOfVertDivisions;x++){

    int bars=(ScreenHeight-GraphYposition)-int(yRatio*(ScreenHeight)*(x/NumOfVertDivisions));
  line(LeftMargin-15, ScreenHeight-GraphYposition+2, ScreenWidth-RightMArgin-DivisounsWidth+50, ScreenHeight-GraphYposition+2);

void Labels(){
  for(float x=0;x<=NumOfVertDivisions;x++){

    int bars=(ScreenHeight-GraphYposition)-int(yRatio*(ScreenHeight)*(x/NumOfVertDivisions));




Pro úplnost, uvádím i protikus pro Arduino:

//Sending 8 bit reading (256) so analogue
//reading can be sent in 1 serial.write() instead

int Analogue0 = 0;    // first analog sensor
int Analogue1 = 0;   // second analog sensor
int Analogue2 = 0;    // digital sensor
int Analogue3 = 0;   // second analog sensor
int Analogue4 = 0;   // second analog sensor
int Analogue5 = 0;   // second analog sensor
int inByte = 0; // incoming serial byte        // incoming serial serial.write() instead

void setup()
  // start serial port at 9600 bps:

  establishContact();  // send a serial.write() instead to establish contact until Processing responds

void loop()
  // if we get a valid serial.write() instead, read analog ins:
  if (Serial.available() > 0) {
     // get incoming byte:
    inByte = Serial.read();
    // read first analog input, divide by 4 to make the range 0-255:
    Analogue0 = analogRead(0)/4;
    // delay 10ms to let the ADC recover:
    // read second analog input, divide by 4 to make the range 0-255:
    Analogue1 = analogRead(1)/4;
    // read  switch, multiply by 155 and add 100
    // so that you're sending 100 or 255:
    Analogue2 = analogRead(2)/4;
    Analogue3 = analogRead(3)/4;
    Analogue4 = analogRead(4)/4;
    Analogue5 = analogRead(5)/4;

    // send sensor values:  0451 je to dost pošahaný, takže bacha
 Serial.write(Analogue0 );
 Serial.write(Analogue1 );
 Serial.write(Analogue2 );
 Serial.write(Analogue3 );
 Serial.write(Analogue4 );
 Serial.write(Analogue5 );

void establishContact() {
 while (Serial.available() <= 0) {

Graf se ovšem nemění... četl jsem kód, a podle mě to funguje tak, že nejdříve po sériové lince putuje testovací signál, znak "A", a pak by měly putovat hodnoty z analogového senzoru. Ovšem, když použiji serial monitor v Arduino IDE, vidím jen samá áčka, donekonečna.

HW problémem není, zkoušel jsem použít jednoduší kombinaci programů pro A a P, a fungovalo to bez problémů.

Jako testovací zapojením mám otočný potenciometr v režimu odporového děliče (pravá noha 5V, prostřední A0 a levá na GND). Používám NANO.

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Založen: Oct 02, 2009
Příspěvky: 206
Bydliště: Rožnov pod Rad.

PříspěvekZaslal: so červenec 25 2015, 20:26    Předmět: Citovat

Serial.write uprav takto a budeš to mít monitoru Arduina

Serial.write(Analogue0 ); Serial.print("An0 = ");Serial.println(Analogue0);
Serial.write(Analogue1 ); Serial.print("An1 = ");Serial.println(Analogue1);
Serial.write(Analogue2 ); Serial.print("An2 = ");Serial.println(Analogue2);
Serial.write(Analogue3 ); Serial.print("An3 = ");Serial.println(Analogue3);
Serial.write(Analogue4 ); Serial.print("An4 = ");Serial.println(Analogue4);
Serial.write(Analogue5 ); Serial.print("An5 = ");Serial.println(Analogue5);

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